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What is Sustainable Fashion?

What is Sustainable Fashion?

Sustainable fashion originates from a concept of producing textile products that have not gone through any destructive procedures making them short-lasting and harmful for the consumers. In addition to that, it ensures the utilization of all-natural and organic raw materials during manufacturing, which will ensure the environmental friendliness of the end products.

Sustainable fashion also includes the appropriate usage of different products such as clothing, shoes, and other accessories to make them last longer. At the consumer's end, sustainable fashion requires them to utilize their resources in a responsible way. Buying less but buying sustainable products to play their part in saving and prolonging the life of Mother Nature and all the other living things.

From production, marketing, shipping, utilizing, and re-using to recycling, sustainable fashion makes sure that the Textile products and other accessories have zero negative impacts on consumers, workers, and ultimately the planet earth.

How to ensure sustainability?

While the topic takes a lot into consideration, here are a few tips that can help you play your part in this noble movement.

  • When buying clothing and other accessories, make sure not to spend your money on single-use products.
  • Buy products that have been manufactured using organic materials such as cotton, linen, and others.
  • Look for standard production certificates such as GOTS certification.
  • Use an appropriate amount of water and detergents while washing to ensure the long life of clothes.
  • In the end, recycle the products in a responsible way to ensure Sustainability.

Hence, in addition to the food that you eat and water that you drink, you should consume textile products that ensure the sustainability of the environment, other human beings, and yours.

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